Using Prolozone and Acupuncture to Treat Back Pain
April 15, 2021After two years of struggling with brain fog, weight gain, and other unwanted symptoms, Grace was finally diagnosed with Hypothyroid, a thyroid condition in which the thyroid produces fewer hormones and becomes sluggish.
Prior to coming to our office she met with an endocrinologist, excited to finally get some solutions and make the necessary lifestyle changes to get back to optimal health. After they went over her lab work she asked, “What can I do to get better?”
The doctors answer?
Grace was determined to find a different answer than the one she was given, and she started looking for solutions, which is how she found our office.
We discovered her thyroid condition was actually caused by an underlying condition called Hashimotos Thyroiditis; one of 80 conditions labeled as “Autoimmune Disease.” We were able to treat Grace successfully using our Chinese Medicine practices, but she had to go through several years with no answers before getting to this point! Unfortunately, her situation – like many others with an autoimmune condition, is very common.
You might be familiar with some autoimmune conditions more than others. Lupus, Hashimotos thyroiditis, Lyme disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, and Fibromialgia all fall into the category of Autoimmune Disease, yet the symptoms for each condition vary radically.
So what is this mysterious Autoimmune Disease that can manifest as so many different symptoms?
At its core, Autoimmune Disease occurs when the immune system over-functions by attacking healthy parts of the body.
When it comes to your health it’s always a good idea to ask the question “why?” The body would never attack itself for no reason, so why is your immune system hyperactive?
The simple answer to that question is, if your immune system flares up, there is something disrupting the immune system and causing over-activity. Our body doesn’t start attacking itself for no reason. There’s always an underlying cause! It could be a parasitic infection, bacterial infection, viral, heavy metals or mold. These toxic loads can build up in our system, causing dysfunction and an over-activity of the immune system.
These toxins can also be referred to as “root-cause.” When the root cause is identified and then eliminated, the body’s immune system will function as it is intended to. That’s why it’s important to treat the root of the problem and not just the symptom.
Lifelong sufferers who, like Grace, have been told “there is nothing you can do,” have found the restoration of their health through Chinese medicine practices. These practices treat the “root- cause” of what is creating the autoimmune response in your body, and as a result, patients experience long-term relief from symptoms as well.
I will be discussing three of the main modalities that have brought relief to our patients and even CURED them from their condition. These three modalities are Acupuncture, Ozone, and Herbal Medicine. If you’ve heard doctors tell you there’s nothing you can do, and aren’t satisfied with that answer, I’ll show you that there absolutely IS something you can do to restore your health and vibrancy.
Let’s discuss how each one of these treatments act to minimize the over-activity of white blood cells in the body, addresses the root cause, and brings the body back into a state of balance.
When your body is overly taxed by foreign invaders like parasites or environmental toxins, it’s like your body is trying to constantly bench press a few hundred pounds throughout the day. If you want the strength to “lift the weight,” you’re going to need a little help. Acupuncture acts as an assister to your body to strengthen it and help in the removal of these pathogens and invaders.
So many autoimmune conditions are thought of only as the condition, but we rarely think about the impact this dysfunction is causing on our organs. Acupuncture works directly to restore proper function to all major organs, and in so doing, strengthens the body so it is better prepared to fight the pathogens causing the immune response.
As it nurtures the organs, it also assists their removal of toxins. It takes energy for your body to detox and when you don’t have physical energy, it can be nearly impossible to detox from these foreign invaders. Acupuncture restores energy to the cells and stops the inflammatory/ immune response.
Some other results you can expect to see from acupuncture:
• Pain Relief
• Better Sleep so your body can restore itself
• Specific focus on strengthening the organs in distress
• Gives the immune system a “break” (an overactive immune system can cause consistent stress on the body)
• Restores energy and vitality
• Digestive support
• Accelerated healing
• Assists your body’s removal of toxins
What doesn’t Acupuncture do?! Acupuncture is the Swiss army knife of Chinese Medicine. It treats the symptom AND deals with what’s causing the symptom in the first place.
If you’ve gone to countless doctors for your condition, but haven’t used Ozone as a treatment modality, it’s time to start. Ozone was traditionally used to disinfect hospital rooms, and to help clean wounds. It has a unique molecular structure with three oxygen atoms instead of two.
Often, patients battling an autoimmune condition use Ozone as a last-ditch effort but Ozone therapy is so powerful it can and should be used as a first line of defense. Whether you are battling Lyme disease, Graves/ Hashimotos, or Lupus, or any other debilitating autoimmune condition Ozone can be a powerful treatment option.
A well oxygenated body is less susceptible to infections and pathogens which can be responsible for these conditions in the first place. Pathogens thrive on an under oxygenated body, so the ozone starves these pathogens and tells them this is no longer an ideal place for them to live. As with most Chinese medicine practices, Ozone works to both relieve symptoms and provide long-term healing.
Some results you can expect to see from Ozone:
• Kills of pathogens
• Immune system boost
• Antibacterial and anti fungal
• Increases antioxidant production
Ozone helps to regulate the body’s immune response, and gives it the ability to seek out and destroy pathogens. Notice with these two modalities that it is all about strengthening the body AND detoxing the body. Treatments that focus solely on detoxing can fail when they are used long-term. It’s just as important to strengthen the body, as it is to remove toxins.
Herbal Medicine:
So many people think “if I can just do better with my diet I’ll finally get better.” Don’t get me wrong, diet IS important to recovering, but if food didn’t start the problem, then it might not solve it either. This is not your permission slip to go eat a brownie, but it is your permission slip to not be so hard on yourself.
Chinese Herbal Medicine is a part of the puzzle piece when restoring health to your body. The beauty of Chinese herbal medicine, is that everyones protocol will look different. Each body needs a unique blend of herbs and medicinals. Chinese medicine focuses on supporting the organs and gently killing off pathogens. Many healing protocols can focus too heavily on “killing off” the pathogens and leave the body in distress and what many doctors would call a “healing crisis.” Chinese medicine focuses on killing pathogens but also on strengthening the body at the same time.
Your body needs additional support to eliminate its root cause. When you pair together Acupuncture, Ozone and Herbal Medicine, you will hit your body from every angle and restore your health at an accelerated rate.
Always remember, SYMPTOMS are not our enemy. They alert us that something is going on in the body. If your body is on high alert, you aren’t reading this article by accident! There is hope and there are answers. Don’t give up. The ability to heal is possible, and the first step to healing is believing it’s possible.
At Blue Root we have helped hundreds of people heal, and are committed to creating a customized plan for your health. You deserve to be healthy and vibrant.
Call our office at 803-404-7575 to create your customized health plan today!