Facial Mesotherapy
Charlotte, NC | Fort Mill, SC

What is Aesthetic Homeopathic Mesotherapy?
Aesthetic Homeopathic Mesotherapy is a natural cosmetic treatment, which helps rejuvenate the skin in many parts of the body, including the face, neck and legs. It is a complementary health technique pioneered by the Italian physician Dr. Massimo de Bellis and used on the continent for some years. The treatment involves the use of fine injections, and works by combining the effectiveness of acupuncture and homeopathy. Homeopathic Mesotherapy, also known as Biopuncture, is now an established complementary treatment for many medical conditions. Aesthetic Homeo-Mesotherapy is the application of the same principles to achieve cosmetic benefits.
How does the treatment work?
Tiny amounts of homeopathic remedies are injected into the skin to stimulate the body’s own production of collagen, enabling the collagen to work more effectively. This leads to an improvement in skin tone and elasticity, revitalizing tissues and allowing the skin to become more hydrated. Unlike other cosmetic treatments such as Botox, Aesthetic Homeo-Mesotherapy is completely natural. It can be particularly effective when combined with lifestyle advice to aid the detoxification of the body. The technique is suitable for use on the face and many other parts of the body where it can reduce adiposity (fat deposits) and cellulite.
What products are injected?
These are predominantly plant-based homeopathic preparations that have been safely used for years by complementary health therapists. We usually use Guna Made mixed with Guna Collagen.

- No side effects;
- A possibility to have treatment during pregnancy;
- A complete compatibility of the applicable medications, resulting in correction of several problems simultaneously;
- A possibility to mix 4 medications without a risk of complications.
In our opinion, the most important that makes a positive distinguish between homeo-mesotherapy and allopathic mesotherapy is a possibility of a systemic influence on the body by means of ultra-low doses of medications to correct immunity and provide a drainage effect on organs and systems!
Dr. Soto is able to help everybody who desires to improve his or her outer appearance by using natural homeopathic means and methods that boost immune system, improve natural reactions and hormonal balance.
What parts of the body can be treated?
- Facial wrinkles
- Forehead, cheeks and chin
- Neck
- Lower neck and décolletage
Treatment FAQs

The Guna Method
The best thing about the Guna method is that it actually makes the skin healthier. It naturally stimulates the cells and skin matrix to repair as part of an overall physiological healing. Each and every product contains ingredients that address the PNEI - psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune axis. By treating all of these levels, the body can fully accept, integrate, and act on the medicinal message. To me this takes the holistic philosophy of nature and traditional herbal medicine and combines it with a cutting edge delivery system. The results are cosmetic as well as internal.
GUNA’s innovative natural medications have a variety of benefits:
- Active ingredients, promoting fast immune response, assuring no side effects or contraindications and not provoking allergenic reactions;
- The treatment action is focused on the main aesthetic problems such as: wrinkles, cellulite, adiposity, muscle tone and ageing;
- Ease of administration according to mesotherapeutic techniques and neurological points that assure best local activity.

MADE® Method – Treatment for wrinkles and skin slackening!
MADE® is a natural homeopathic medication used both as a treatment for reducing the signs of aging and as a support for maintaining a youthful face.
- Skin tone improvement;
- Reduction of face and neck wrinkles;
- Local treatment of skin aging;
- Stimulation of connective tissue metabolism.
Guna provides a variety of homeopathic medicines and cosmetic creams for home therapy treatment. Health means also a good overall appearance. Your doctor may prescribe you a detoxification therapy to improve your outer appearance, to balance your hormonal activity and support your immune system. It helps to overcome skin damage.
Cosmetic creams for treatment of certain problems:
Serum Vitae Bio-lifting cream – an anti-wrinkle cream with an applicator. Apply along wrinkles. Can be used between procedures MADE®.
Tamanu Arnica cream is rich in tamanu oil, may be used for psoriasis-like skin problems.
Natur 3 is a nourishing cream for breast. Helps to improve tone of the breast.
Natur 4 is a revitalizing cream for the face and body. It prevents oxidative damage, dehydration and aging of facial and body skin.
Natur 5 is a toning leg cream. It prevents legs swelling and has a special toning effect on the leg vessels.

General Homeopathic Mesotherapy FAQs
My husband and I have been receiving regular treatments at Blue Root with Dr. Soto for over a year and have seen some amazing results. The staff is knowledgeable and friendly. Angela goes above and beyond to understand the patient and what is really needed.”