Charlotte, NC | FORT MILL SC

How does Prolozone work?
Prolozone combines the powers of homeopathy and vitamin injections with the healing power of ozone. A homeopathic cocktail and ozone injection are put into the joints directly. Ozone reacts almost instantly with the membranes of the cell. This oxidation of the membrane jump starts the cell, increasing energy production and utilization. This reaction produces a large amount of powerful healing chemicals called cytokines. Healing begins instantly, and the effects linger.
By following up an injection of homeopathy with an injection of ozone, we are stimulating your body to heal itself. Ozone is an immune system regulator, increases antioxidant protection, and is a powerful mitochondrial stimulant.
Ozone is an unstable molecule, however it increases oxygen intake into each cell in your body. So, you are better able to metabolize ATP, which your body uses as a source for energy. As your body uses energy more efficiently, more healing takes place and the body is able to repair itself at a faster pace.
Prolozone injections can be used to treat a wide number of ailments, and research is even being done on the effects of Ozone therapy in slowing the onset of Alzheimer’s. Prolozone can be injected many different places in the body. It effectively treats muscle soreness, aches and pains, arthritis.

What Can Prolozone Treat?
- Arthritis
- Bursitis
- Soft Tissue Damage
- Cartilage Damage
- Chronic or Acute Back Pain
- Lumbar Degeneration
- Slipped Discs
- Joint Pain
- Surgical Trauma
- Plantar Fasciitis
What To Expect
- You must take it easy for 3 days after your Prolozone Treatment. No strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, or anything that may overwork/strain the area where you received your Prolozone Treatment.
- You may experience some redness, heat sensation, bruising, swelling and soreness and/or pain at the injection site. In order to reduce this, we highly recommend taking ibuprofen right after leaving the clinic, and at night before bed, and apply ice .
- If you have ANY questions, concerns, or thoughts, please feel free to call or email us at any time, and we will get back with you as soon as possible.

Prolozone Therapy FAQ
Been getting treated by Dr. Soto for almost 5 years. Dr. Soto has changed my health and my outlook on medicine. It's amazing, if you follow her instructions, go to regular visits and take the herbs consistently; it just works. About 6 months ago, Dr. Soto recommended her Prolozone Injection Therapy, for my severe neck pain. It was 2 sets of injections, approx. 2 weeks apart, with visits 2-3 days afterwards for both. The injection site was numb that night and I had to take it real easy for a couple days; but after that - nothing. No pain or no discomfort - it's as if I never even had a problem. Even after a few months, everything is still great... no recurrence, my neck really has healed. I wish I'd done the Prolozone injections sooner.