Navigating Dementia Disorders
April 12, 2021
Autoimmune Disorders: Getting Back to Optimal Health
June 21, 2021When you think of back pain, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? A slipped disc?? That one time you played tennis and threw your back out??
Causes of back pain are different for everyone. There are both chronicand acute injuries such as a slipped disc, arthritis, muscle strains and tears, or torn ligaments! Regardless of the cause or duration of pain, there are solutions that can deal directly with what is causing your pain.
Most people assume pain is a bad thing, but not all pain is bad if we use it as a tool to point us to the solution. When you feel pain, your nerves are alerting you that something is wrong. Whether there is tissue damage to your muscles, a slipped disc, or a much deeper issue – your body doesn’t want to mask the pain, it wants something that will truly alleviate what’s causing the pain in the first place!!
There are two highly effective treatments we use at Blue Root to deal with the root cause of our patients’ back pain. I’m going to share them both with you in detail in just a moment! First, l wanted to share from one of our patients who came to us with Chronic back pain. Here’s what he had to say:
“For the first time in years I have relief from pain after my incredibly challenging back surgery, and 100+ chiropractic treatments. For the first time I’m standing up straight again with no pain!” – Corey
Are you ready to get to the root cause of your pain and increase your quality of life too!? We’re going to share with you the two main methods we use at Blue Root to treat back pain.
1. Prolozone Treatment
You might be thinking “What the heck is Prolozone??”
It’s a combination of Ozone, Oxygen, and Homeopathic Medicine injected directly into the area of pain or injury. This cocktail of powerhouse ingredients actually helps to REGENERATE your cartilage and soft tissue and it works incredibly fast to oxygenate and restore function to your back.
To really understand what Prolozone is, you can just look at the name. “Prolo” is short for proliferation, because the treatment causes the growth and formation of new ligament tissue in weakened areas! “Ozone” means oxygen. So the meaning of the word literally means to re-build tissue with ozone!! That’s something a surgery and modern medicine cannot do.
The vitamins and homeopathic medicine are powerful on their own, but the real hero is the Ozone. An unhealthy tissue or ligament is most often not oxygenated properly, so the Ozone that is injected into your site of pain or injury helps accelerate your body’s own healing process. An oxygenated environment heals quickly, and the ozone injected during a Prolozone treatment causes greater circulation, increased nutrition to cells, and hydrates damaged tissues. When these are set into motion, your body is put in the most optimal environment to heal (and decrease pain)!!
Prolozone helps your body heal long term, but it also provides immediate pain relief, making it a safe and effective treatment for short term AND longer term treatment. We have helped so many clients successfully reverse their back pain and we want to help you do the same!
Here are a few more quick facts about Prolozone:
- You will typically experience relief after your first visit but for chronic back pain, you may need 2-4 sessions.
- It’s noninvasive, has very few side effects and doesn’t require sedation… (not bad for a therapy that doesn’t cost much money and could eliminate your need for surgery)!
- Most patients are able to return to work and perform normal tasks immediately, depending on the severity of the condition.
Now that you know how Prolozone can treat your back pain, let’s take a look at our other secret weapon for treating chronic back pain and injuries… Acupuncture.
2. Relieve Back Pain with Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an extremely effective way to promote health in your body, and when it comes to back pain – acupuncture can actually help alleviate symptoms quickly. In fact, most people after just 1 acupuncture session felt an improvement in their symptoms by 80%!!
Acupuncture does two major things:
1) Stimulates Your Brain to Release Neurotransmitters for Immediate Pain Relief
When we’re talking about pain it’s important to remember that pain is your NERVOUS system alerting your body that there is a problem. When you get acupuncture your brain releases chemicals and neurotransmitters that begin to change the cycle of pain in your body. The result of this hormone and chemical response is immediate relief from pain. It’s that simple!
When you think of Acupuncture, you might think immediately of needles, but that’s not a reason to shy away from the treatment. Acupuncture needles are nothing like the thick needles that are used for other injections. Acupuncture needles are usually the size of a human hair and the actual treatment is not painful.
2) It Creates An Environment in Which Your Body Can Repair Itself
Remember when we talked about putting your body in the right environment so it can repair itself?? Not only does Prolozone create a healing environment, Acupuncture creates that environment in your body too! Together they are a dynamic duo that can speed up your recovery 2-5 times faster than traditional medicine or therapy.
Acupuncture helps heal your back by increasing blood flow to that region, and inviting your body’s attention to the area of injury or pain. When there is a cycle of inflammation, injury, and pain – your body can have a defense mechanism built in to protect itself. That same protective mechanism can keep your body in a cycle of pain! Acupuncture removes any blockages and helps you get out of the cycle of injury.
The communication that happens in your nervous system allows your body to take a break and rest. When your body is put in the right environment, it knows exactly how to heal itself!
You might be wondering… “Do the effects last beyond your treatment or will I need to get acupuncture forever?”
No you won’t need to get acupuncture forever (although you might want to!). Acupuncture doesn’t leave you reliant on a treatment to get better – it addresses your whole body and allows your body to heal from the inside out. Once your body is healed you get to decide how you want to keep your body in a state of health.
Treating back pain is not the only benefit of Acupuncture. If you come in to treat one symptom you will also get so many other benefits! Some of which are:
- Reduced inflammation
- Releases Endorphins and other feel-good hormones
- Promotes Healthy Organ Function
- Restores balance
- Better sleep
One of our patients Jason, came in to see us for back pain and left with not only his back pain resolved, but with a host of other benefits.
“I only wish I had gone here sooner, is the main thought I have regarding blue root & Wellness Center. I’ve struggled for years with back pain that would never let up. I’ve received other treatments and taken a lot of pills through the years, which had a little long-term effect. I am now pain-free and it only took me a few months with Dr. Soto to experience a complete turnaround in my health. I received all the help I needed with pain relief and discard of the long list of pharmaceuticals I was taking but I’ve also received so much more. Dr. Soto treated the true cause of my ailments. I wasn’t fully aware of some of the issues she knew needed correcting, but I feel like I’m half my age after her treatments and following her advice. I can easily recommend Dr. Soto at blue root & Wellness Center to anyone who wants to take charge of their health! – Jason
Now that you know more about Acupuncture and Prolozone, let’s talk about using these two methods to help your health.
So many of us have become used to our health diagnosis. We adapt to pain, low energy, and other setbacks and call it our “normal.” But what if YOUR “normal” could be better and more vibrant?! If you are suffering with back pain and have learned to just “get by” I want you to know that there are solutions. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive surgery or weeks in bed recovering. You can get relief RIGHT now, while addressing the root of the problem. Acupuncture and Prolozone are your two best options for dealing with back pain. Feel free to call our office at 803-404-7575 to learn more!
We love serving you at Blue Root and look forward to helping you or your family member recover so you can have your life back!!