We use Acupuncture and other forms of Oriental medicine, including Chinese Herbs, Cupping, Tui Na, Moxibustion, GuaSha, Plum Blossom, Nutrition counseling and the Acutron (Microcurrent energy with Color Therapy).
Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment
During the first visit before the initial appointment, clients usually complete a health history questionnaire. Then the acupuncturist interviews the client, asking about his or her primary health concern, lifestyle habits, diet, emotions, menstrual cycle, sleep, temperature, appetite, stress, and sensitivity to foods, temperature, and seasons.
During the interview, the acupuncturist examines the client carefully, noting his or her face color, voice, and tongue color and coating. There are also three pulse points at the wrist of each hand that the acupuncturist will assess to further determine the health of the 12 meridians. Usually the first treatment lasts an hour and a half or so, including the acupuncture treatment. In your subsequent visits we’ll make a short review of your progress followed by an acupuncture treatment. If it’s warranted, we also prescribe an herbal formula.
Herbs are nearly always prescribed in a balanced formula, where different herbs have supporting effects. Thousands of years of use and research have shown that this is far more effective than large doses of a single substance.
Typically acupuncture treatments are given up to 3 times per week until the condition starts to come under control. The exact duration of treatment depends on the condition, your basic level of health, and how well you respond to acupuncture.
- Herb and Nutritional counseling sessions are available for those who do not want, or need, acupuncture.
- For those that are needle-phobic, we provide a non insertive needle treatment using the "Acutron". A machine that incorporates micro-current energy, laser & color therapy & acupressure. We can treat almost every ailment with it. Very popular with children, beauty and pain treatments.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
- Suggested Twelve to Twenty treatments consecutively.
- One or more treatments per week.
- Smoking, excessive alcohol, drug use, over exposure to sun and coffee drinkers generally need the twenty treatments.
Energy Light Rejuvenation
- Suggested Ten to Twenty treatments consecutively.
- Two or more treatments per week.
- Smoking, excessive alcohol, drug use, over exposure to sun and coffee drinkers generally need the twenty treatments.
- Patients in their 20’s – 30’s can use this as a preventative to slow their aging process (it keeps the skin healthy by working on the cellular level).
Maintenance Treatments
Every 4-6 weeks (to keep skin toned, textured healthy and circulation increased).
Treat prior to special occasions (weddings, holidays, parties)
LEVEL 1: (Approximately 30 – 45 mins)
The “Lunch Hour” or “Mini Facial”
Good for clients with little time and/or Acne clients.
LEVEL 2: (Approximately 60 – 70 mins)
The most common way to do ELR
LEVEL 3: (Approximately 90 – 110 mins)
Expanded Services - “Spa/Salon services”